Monday, April 30, 2012

I thought it had been forever since I had posted, but after visiting the blog, saw that I posted like two weeks ago. So, I guess it has been forever. Turns out blogger decided to change the look of things on the edit pages too, it took me a while to figure out how to post.

Let me begin with talking about having a PBS crew out to do filming for a series of theirs. O.M.G. how awesome! They were great, they were a small crew of three, but they pack a punch. We put Tom, the host and producer, in a banana boat and made the poor man paddle up and down up and down up and down all over the Teche near New Iberia City Park and then had a lil crawfish boil for them. It turned out really good, and the crew paid us lots compliments on our performance for putting things together.

And then, we opened early registration by emailing out the registration to packet to all TDT I and II veterans. My email,, was hitting a lot of spam filters, so we straightened a lot of that out over the last two weeks. And had a great turnout of veteran paddlers register, deadline for early registration was postmarked/emailed/faxed in today.

General registration opened today, it's gonna be a fun five months for this little girl, but bring it on. Throw as many registrations as you can my way, I dare you to overload me. ;) Fees are $125, $80, or $60 per paddler, depending on which race you register in.

We've also been talking about other projects to add to the Tour du Teche repertoire (I know, I know, but wait for the announcement, it's gonna be so much fun), some of which include shorter paddle races.

And then of course, we also released the new website. Please visit it. There you can see all of the rules, regulations, schedule, get a registration packet, check out pictures, or write me an email. It's super cool.

Register for TDT III, the big ole party on water. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

TDT Veteran paddlers and coureurs des bois just got their registration packets emailed to them! Can't wait to see who's coming back this year! 20% discount to those who register prior to April 30!!! I plan on having a busy week!

Plus check out the new website!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Bayou Teche, La. – Tour du Teche is proud to release its new website:

The website features the main race, sponsors, Petite TDT, projects, photos, links and more. Tour du Teche is proud to have had WORK AGENCIES, Bram and Jillian Johnson, create the website. It features great technology to keep paddlers, spectators, and press alike up to date on developments along the Bayou Teche.


Tour du Teche is made possible by these TDT III Major Sponsors: Teche Federal Bank and Teche News.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Okay, we have things finalized for when the WLAE crew comes around. We have a start point at the Belle Place Bridge and we'll do the big loopy part near New Iberia and finish in New Iberia City Park. Yesterday I worked on finishing all kinds of things on my list, worked on ditty bags, and ordered T-shirts and jackets. I'm so close to being caught up with everything it's scary. I'm also getting in registrations for the Great Bayou Teche Dog Paddle, if you haven't yet and want to participate, send in your registration, right now you should be able to get them on the Teche Project website or just send me an email and I'll send you one.

In other good news, I received word that Andre Pellerin, Dennis Wise and Brad Rex participated in the Colorado River Ramble last weekend. I was going to wait to see if they posted results, but could find anything, so I'll post what I know now:
Andre and Dennis took first in class -- I'm going to assume they were paddling the C2.
And Brad took second in class -- I'm also going to assume that he was paddling his K1.

Thanks for representing TDT so well guys!

If you have any news of how you're doing in races, let me know so I can toot your horn on here!